Partner with Manivest

Manivest built its success on working as the back-up of professionals and intermediates. The directors and management of Manivest are leaders and professionals in the offshore Industry. Manivest has a well-established international network.

Through our long established relationships and connections with offshore jurisdictions, registered agents, banks, trust companies, legal advisors, tax planners, financial advisors and other service providers, we are in an advantageous position in providing a full range of advisory and supporting services to you and your clients.

Toll-free phone

Clients in Mainland China and Taiwan can dial our toll-free phone to reach our offices.
Clients in Taiwan:00800 3838 3800
Clients in Mainland China:400 668 1987

Our associates

We have offices in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Macau. We advise, plan and choose among jurisdictions and structures according to the needs of your clients. We work with our associates in British Virgin Islands, United Kingdom, Europe, Cayman Islands and Mauritius and other major offshore financial centres to serve you and your clients’ needs.

Associate Program

To enquiry about our Associate program, please

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